Перевод: со всех языков на вьетнамский

с вьетнамского на все языки

i want to know

  • 1 lie

    /lai/ * danh từ - sự nói dối, sự nói láo, sự nói điêu, sự dối trá; sự lừa dối, sự lừa gạt =to give someone the lie+ buộc tội ai là dối trá =a white lie+ lời nói dối vô tội - điều tin tưởng sai lầm; ước lệ sai lầm =to worship a lie+ sùng bái một cái sai lầm =to maintain a lie+ duy trì một ước lệ sai lầm !to act a lie - lừa dối bằng hành động !to give a lie to - chứng minh là sai; đập tan (luận điệu) * động từ - nói dối; lừa dối * nội động từ lay, lain - nằm, nằm nghỉ =the ship is lying at the port+ con tàu thả neo nằm ở bên cảng =the valley lies at our feet+ thung lũng nằm ở dưới chân chúng tôi - (pháp lý) được coi là hợp lệ, được coi là hợp pháp, được pháp luật chấp nhận =the appeal does not lie+ sự chống án không hợp lệ !to lie back - ngả mình (nghỉ ngơi) !to lie by - nằm bên, ở bên cạnh - để dự trữ, để dành dụm; để đó chưa dùng đến !to lie down - nằm nghỉ - chịu khuất phục !to lie in - sinh nở, ở cữ !to lie off - (hàng hải) nằm cách xa (bờ hoặc tàu khác) !to lie on (upon) - thuộc trách nhiệm (của ai) !to lie out - ngủ đêm ngoài trời !to lie over - hoãn !to lie under - chịu !to lie up - đi nằm nghỉ; nằm bẹp ở giường (trong phòng) (vì ốm) - rút về một nơi kín đáo; ở một nơi kín đáo - (hàng hải) về nằm ở xưởng sửa chữa; bị loại ra không dùng được nữa !to lie with - là việc của, là quyền của - ngủ với, ăn nằm với (ai) !to lie [heavy] at someone's heart - (xem) heart !to lie down under an insult - cam chịu lời chửi !to lie in one - trong phạm vi quyền lợi, trong phạm vi khả năng !to lie in wait for - (xem) wait !to lie on the bed one has made - (tục ngữ) mình làm mình chịu !to lie out of one's money - không được người ta trả tiền cho mình !to do all that lies in one's power - làm hết sức mình !to find out how the land lies - xem sự thể ra sao, xem tình hình ra sao !to know where one's interest lie - biết rõ lợi cho mình ở đâu * danh từ - tình hình, sự thể, sự tình, tình thế, cục diện; hướng - nơi ẩn (của thú, chim, cá...) !lie of the land - sự thể =I want to know the lie of the land+ tôi muốn biết sự thể ra sao

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > lie

  • 2 Sie sind

    - {you're} = Sie selbst {yourself}+ = das geht Sie an {this concerns you}+ = erlauben Sie {by your leave; let me see}+ = frieren Sie? {do you feel cold?}+ = Sie heben ab (Kartenspiel) {it's your cut}+ = Sie sind dran {it's your turn}+ = gestatten Sie? {excuse me}+ = hören Sie mal! {I say!}+ = wie Sie wollen {as you will}+ = Verzeihen Sie! {I beg your pardon!}+ = Sind Sie satt? {Are you full?}+ = wie heißen Sie? {what is your name?}+ = er holt Sie ein {he'll catch up with you}+ = treten Sie ein! {walk in!}+ = sind Sie fertig? {have you finished?}+ = Sie dreht durch. {She's cracking up.}+ = seien Sie so gut {do me the kindness}+ = wie Sie wünschen {as you please}+ = woher kommen Sie? {where do you come from?}+ = Sie sind gemeint. {This means you.}+ = Das betrifft Sie. {This concerns you.}+ = Erheben Sie sich! {All Rise!}+ = was wünschen Sie? {what can I do for you?; what do you wish?}+ = da irren Sie sich {there you are mistaken}+ = versuchen Sie es! {have a try at it!}+ = wohin fahren Sie? {where are you bound for?}+ = Sie ist verreist. {She is out of town.}+ = Sie ist nicht da. {She's not in.}+ = treten Sie näher! {come closer!}+ = wollen Sie zu mir? {do you want to see me?}+ = seien Sie sachlich {stick to facts}+ = bleiben Sie sitzen {keep your seats!}+ = Sie sehen gut aus. {You look well.}+ = Rufen Sie mich an! {Give me a call!}+ = Sie verstehen ihn. {they sympathize with him.}+ = Sehen Sie sich um! {Look behind you!}+ = Wie groß sind Sie? {What's your height?}+ = Benehmen Sie sich! {Behave yourself!}+ = Sie wohnt bei mir. {She's staying with me.}+ = Sie war beleidigt. {She was offended.}+ = Sie werden gebeten {you are requested}+ = Meckern Sie nicht! {Don't be so fussy!}+ = das geht Sie nichts an {that doesn't regard you; that's none of your business; that's nothing to you}+ = ich rechne auf Sie [wegen] {I look to you [for]}+ = wie nennen Sie das? {what do you call that?}+ = Verstehen Sie mich? {Do you take me?}+ = Sie kam als letzte. {She came last.}+ = Passen Sie gut auf! {Pay close attention!}+ = Sie ist von gestern. {She's quite a back number.}+ = wo sind Sie geboren? {where were you born?}+ = Was Sie nicht sagen! {You don't say so!}+ = Sie ist fantasielos. {She has no imagination.}+ = Sie ist unglaublich. {She's the limit.}+ = Jetzt sind Sie dran. {the ball's in your court.}+ = wie kommen Sie dazu? {how dare you?}+ = Das wissen Sie doch! {But you know that!}+ = denken Sie sich nur! {just imagine!}+ = Seien Sie anständig! {Behave yourself!}+ = wie fühlen Sie sich? {how do you feel?}+ = Ganz wie Sie wollen. {Just as you like.}+ = Wem erzählen Sie das! {You are telling me!}+ = Halten Sie es geheim! {Keep it dark!}+ = Was halten Sie davon? {How does it strike you?}+ = fahren Sie langsamer! {slow down!}+ = was halten Sie davon? {what do you make of it?}+ = Sie ist schlagfertig. {She's quick at repartee.}+ = Sie leugnete rundweg. {She flatly denied.}+ = Sie kann gut rechnen. {She's good at sums.}+ = Bleiben Sie sachlich! {Stick to facts!}+ = Fahren Sie nach links! {Make a left turn!}+ = halten Sie sich rechts {keep to your right}+ = er möchte Sie sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Sie lügt wie gedruckt. {She's a lying so-and-so.}+ = Das gilt auch für Sie. {that applies to you too.}+ = Bitten Sie sie herein. {Ask her in.}+ = überlassen Sie es mir! {leave it to me!}+ = Entschuldigen Sie mich {pardon me}+ = was erlauben Sie sich? {how dare you?}+ = Fangen Sie an zu lesen! {Begin reading!}+ = nach dem, was Sie sagen {from what you say}+ = was wollen Sie von ihm? {what do you want with him?}+ = Sie durfte nicht gehen. {She wasn't allowed to go.}+ = Welche Größe haben Sie? {What size do you take?}+ = bitte, fahren Sie fort! {go on, please!}+ = Sie können mir glauben. {You can take it from me.}+ = bitte bedienen Sie sich {please help yourself}+ = können Sie das belegen? {can you furnish proof of that?}+ = bemühen Sie sich nicht! {don't bother!}+ = werden Sie daraus klug? {does it make sense to you?}+ = Seien Sie offen zu mir! {Be frank with me!}+ = deswegen sind Sie hier. {that's why you're here.}+ = Sie schritt auf und ab. {She paved up and down.}+ = tun Sie, was Sie wollen {do as you please}+ = nehmen Sie es nicht übel {don't take it amiss}+ = haben Sie schon gewählt? {have you made your choice?}+ = Sie hörte schweigend zu. {She listened in silence.}+ = besuchen Sie mich einmal {come to see me some time}+ = Bitte bedenken Sie doch! {Pray, consider!}+ = Sie ist sehr wählerisch. {She's very particular.}+ = wie können Sie es wagen? {how dare you?}+ = wollen Sie es probieren? {would you care to try it?}+ = Sie ist wieder die alte. {She's herself again.}+ = Sie fühlt sich gekränkt. {She feels hurt.}+ = wo sind Sie beschäftigt? {where do you work?}+ = wünschen Sie noch etwas? {would you like anything else?}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte. {You've my apologies.}+ = Entschuldigen Sie bitte! {I beg your pardon!; excuse me, please!}+ = kommen Sie morgen zu mir {see me tomorrow}+ = das dürfen Sie nie vergessen {you must never forget that}+ = Sie hat nichts zu melden. {She's a nobody.}+ = Sie wird leicht seekrank. {She's a bad sailor.}+ = welche Farbe möchten Sie? {what colour do you want?}+ = machen Sie es sich bequem {make yourself at home; make yourself comfortable}+ = worauf wollen Sie hinaus? {what are you driving at?}+ = Sie sollten sich schämen. {You ought to be ashamed of yourself.}+ = Das werden Sie mir büßen! {You'll hear of this!}+ = jetzt, da Sie es erwähnen {now you mention it}+ = Nehmen Sie es nicht übel. {Don't take it amiss.}+ = langen Sie ordentlich zu! (beim Essen) {cut and come again!}+ = er behauptet Sie zu kennen {he claims to know you}+ = Ich verlasse mich auf Sie. {I count on you.}+ = Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir! {You can count me out!}+ = er wünscht Sie zu sprechen {he wishes to see you}+ = Können Sie das beschwören? {Can you swear to that?}+ = Bitte seien Sie pünktlich. {Please be on time.}+ = würden Sie mir bitte sagen {would you kindly tell me}+ = Glauben Sie es bloß nicht. {Don't run away with the idea.}+ = Erinnern Sie sich an mich? {Do you remember me?}+ = Und was wünschen Sie noch? {And what more do you want?}+ = Sie haben nichts gegessen. {they feel empty.}+ = ich habe eine Bitte an Sie {may I ask you a favour}+ = können Sie mir herausgeben? {can you give me change?}+ = Sie ist piekfein gekleidet. {She's dressed up to the nines.}+ = Sie haben uns sehr gefehlt. {We've missed you badly.}+ = wären Sie so freundlich und {would you be kind enough to}+ = Sie braucht nicht zu gehen. {She hasn't got to go.}+ = Sie war tief eingeschlafen. {She was fast asleep.}+ = Gehen Sie sparsam damit um! {Use it sparingly!}+ = Sie ist sein ein und alles. {She's all the world to him.}+ = Sie werden bald gesund sein {you'll soon get well}+ = was wollen Sie damit sagen? {what do you mean by that?}+ = Bekennen Sie sich schuldig? {Do you plead guilty?}+ = Sie können mich gern haben. {I'll see you further first.}+ = wieviel verlangen Sie dafür? {what are you asking for that?}+ = Sie müssen sich entscheiden. {You have to make up your mind.}+ = Sie ist sehr mager geworden. {She's grown very thin.}+ = Mit wem sind Sie verabredet? {Who is your date?}+ = Sie amüsierte sich köstlich. {She had a ripping good time.}+ = grüßen Sie ihn schön von mir {give him my best regards}+ = in welcher Branche sind Sie? {what line are you in?}+ = unterbrechen Sie mich nicht! {don't interrupt me!}+ = ich hoffe daß Sie gesund sind {I trust that you are well}+ = Wie sind Sie darauf gekommen? {How did you hit on that?}+ = Wie Sie es auch immer machen. {However you do it.}+ = Sie können es ruhig gestehen. {You may as well own up.}+ = Kümmern Sie sich nicht darum. {Don't bother about it.}+ = lassen Sie es mich versuchen! {let me have a try at it!}+ = haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? {do you have anything to declare?}+ = wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben {if you don't object}+ = Machen Sie es wie Sie wollen! {Do your best or your worst!}+ = versäumen Sie nicht hinzugehen {don't fail to go there}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht nötigen! {don't wait to be asked!}+ = ich bin zweimal so alt wie Sie {I'm double your age}+ = lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen {don't let yourself be fooled}+ = Sie fragten mich geradeheraus. {they asked me point-black.}+ = Sie haben es heraufbeschworen. {You've asked for it.}+ = Sie ist entschlossen zu gehen. {She's bent on going.}+ = Warten Sie, bis Sie dran sind! {wait your turn!}+ = das können Sie uns nicht erzählen! {tell us another!}+ = Haben Sie sich gut unterhalten? {Did you have a nice time?}+ = Sie müssen mich einmal besuchen {you must come and see me some day}+ = Wahrscheinlich haben Sie recht. {I dare say you're right.}+ = erlauben Sie mir, das zu machen {let me do that}+ = Sie haben sich nicht verstanden. {they didn't get on well together.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie wiederzusehen {I'm looking forward to seeing you again}+ = würden Sie so freundlich sein und {would you be so kind as}+ = verstehen Sie, worauf es ankommt? {do you see the point?}+ = entschuldigen Sie, wenn ich störe {excuse my interrupting you}+ = Sie können sich darauf verlassen. {You can count on that.}+ = halten Sie es für wahrscheinlich? {do you think it probable?}+ = Lassen Sie sich nicht entmutigen. {Don't get discouraged.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen {nice to meet you}+ = Sie ist gut bei ihm angeschrieben. {She's in his good books.}+ = ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. {I'm glad to meet you.}+ = kann ich Sie telefonisch erreichen? {are you on the phone?}+ = Sie ist gar nicht so unmusikalisch. {She's not at all musical.}+ = Sie haben nichts füreinander übrig. {there's no love lost between them.}+ = Sie macht sich nur über Sie lustig. {She's only trying to poke fun at you.}+ = Ich begreife nicht, was Sie meinen. {I fail to see what you mean.}+ = Sie wollte es einfach nicht glauben. {She refused to believe it.}+ = Sie passen überhaupt nicht zusammen. {they're a bad match.}+ = Sie äußerte sich sehr offen darüber. {She was very outspoken about it.}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich Sie störe {sorry to trouble you}+ = damit können Sie bei mir nicht landen {that cuts no ice with me}+ = es wäre besser, wenn Sie jetzt gingen {you had better go now}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich unterbreche {excuse my interrupting}+ = entschuldigen Sie, daß ich zu spät komme {excuse me for being late}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche {do you mind if I smoke}+ = haben Sie etwas dagegen, wenn ich rauche? {do you mind my smoking?}+ = Sie brauchen sich nicht zu rechtfertigen. {You needn't justify yourself.}+ = lassen Sie sich durch mich nicht abhalten {don't let me hinder you}+ = bitte sorgen Sie dafür, während ich fort bin {please see to this while I'm away}+ = ich danke Ihnen dafür, daß Sie mir geholfen haben {thank you for helping me}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > Sie sind

  • 3 for

    /fɔ:,fə/ * giới từ - thay cho, thế cho, đại diện cho =to sit for Hanoi+ đại diện cho Hà nội (ở quốc hội...) =to stand for a noun+ (ngôn ngữ học) thay cho một danh từ (đại từ) =he signed it for me+ anh ta ký cái đó thay tôi - ủng hộ, về phe, về phía =to be for peace+ ủng hộ hoà bình =hurrah for Vietnam+ hoan hô Việt nam, ủng hộ Việt nam - để, với mục đích là =for sale+ để bán =for example; for instance+ ví dụ, chẳng hạn - để lấy, để được =to go for a car+ đi (để) gọi xe, đi (để) lấy xe =to send for a doctor+ cho đi mời bác sĩ =to fight for independence+ đấu tranh để giành độc lập =to hunger for knowledge+ khao khát sự hiểu biết - đến, đi đến =to leave for Haiphong+ đi đến Hải Phòng =to make for shelter+ chạy ra chỗ trú ẩn =it's getting on for two o'clock+ sắp đến hai giờ - cho =to buy something for somebody+ mua cái gì cho ai =I can shift for myself+ tôi có thể tự xoay sở lấy - vì, bởi vì =for want of money+ vì thiếu tiền =to live for each other+ sống vì nhau =please do it for my sake+ vì tôi mong anh làm cho điều đó =to avoid something for fear of accidents+ tránh cái gì vì sợ tai nạn =for many reasons+ vì nhiều lẽ =fomous for something+ nổi tiếng vì cái gì - mặc dù =for all that+ mặc dù tất cả những cái đó =for all you say+ mặc dù những điều anh nói =for all their mordern weapons, the imperialism will be defeated+ mặc dù có vũ khí tối tân, bọn đế quốc sẽ bị đánh bại - đối với, về phần =respect one's teachers+ lòng kính trọng đối với các bậc thầy giáo =it's too easy for him+ đối với hắn cái đó dễ quá =for my part; as for me+ về phần tôi - so với, đối với, theo tỷ lệ =very tall for one's age+ rất cao lớn so với tuổi - trong (thời gian), được (mức là...) =to last for an hour+ kéo dài trong một tiếng đồng hồ =to walk for three kilometers+ đi bộ được ba kilômét !alas for him! - thương thay cho nó! !to be for it - (từ lóng) phải bị trừng phạt !to be not long for this world - gần đất xa trời !fie for shame! - thẹn quá! nhục quá! !for all (aught) I know - trong chừng mực mà tôi biết !for all the world - đúng như, hệt như =to look for all the world like a monkey+ trông hệt như một con khỉ =for good+ mãi mãi, vĩnh viễn !for certain - (xem) certain !for the life of one - (xem) life !not for the world! - không đời nào! không khi nào! !once for all - (xem) once !there as nothing for it but - (xem) nothing !too beautiful for words - đẹp không tả được !were it not (but, except) for your help, I could not finish it - nếu không có sự giúp đỡ của anh tôi không thể làm xong việc đó được !what... for? - để làm gì? =what do you want it for?+ anh cần cái đó để làm gì? * liên từ - vì, bởi vì, tại vì

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > for

  • 4 thing

    /θiɳ/ * danh từ - cái, đồ, vật, thứ, thức, điều, sự, việc, món =expensive things+ những thứ đắt tiền - đồ dùng, dụng cụ =the things+ bộ đồ trà - đồ đạc, quần áo... =put your things on and come for a walk+ anh hãy mặc quần áo vào rồi đi chơi - vấn đề, điều, công việc, sự việc, chuyện =there's another thing I want to ask you about+ còn một vấn đề nữa tôi muốn hỏi anh =that only makes things worse+ cái đó chỉ làm cho tình hình xấu hơn, cái đó chỉ làm cho sự việc rắc rối hơn =you take things too seriously+ anh quá quan hoá vấn đề =the best thing to do is...+ điều đó tốt nhất là... =that is quite a different thing+ đó là một việc hoàn toàn khác =I have a lot of things to do+ tôi có một lô công việc phải làm - người, sinh vật =poor little thing!+ tội nghiệp thằng bé! =you silly thing!+ cậu thật là ngốc =dumb things+ thú vật, súc vật - (pháp lý) của cải, tài sản =things personal+ động sản - mẫu, vật mẫu, thứ, kiểu =it is the newest thing out+ đây là kiểu (thứ) mới nhất =it's quite the thing+ thật đúng kiểu, thật đúng mốt !above all things - trên hết !as a general thing - thường thường, nói chung !to know a thing or two - có kinh nghiệm, láu !to look (feel) quite the thing - trông ra vẻ (cảm thấy) khoẻ mạnh !to make a good thing out of something - kiếm chác được ở cái gì

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > thing

См. также в других словарях:

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  • not want to know — informal to refuse to listen to someone or get involved in something We asked several of them to help, but they didn t want to know …   English dictionary

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  • Do You Want to Know a Secret? — «Do You Want to Know a Secret» …   Википедия

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  • Do You Want to Know a Secret — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Do You Want to Know a Secret» Canción de The Beatles Álbum Please Please Me Publicación 22 …   Wikipedia Español

  • I Want to Know What Love Is — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar …   Wikipedia Español

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